Sunday, 22 December 2013



 Final Product 

Here is my Final magazine ,compared to my drafts a lot has changed for example all my drafts have the same main image which is of the killer (the main character) ,I choose to select the image of the final girl (victim) as my main image for my front cover magazine because it subverts the convention of horror film magazine , with horror film magazines you usually see the main character (killer) who is the main image in order to grab the attention of the audience . I thought to myself that it would be very unique of me to change the character who will be representing my film ,the character on my front cover  is the final girl her misenescene I  believe is very eye catching as she is wearing make up which connotes her femininity and enhances her face  and also refers back to why the killer in horror films attempt to kill females (sexually frustrated) , she is dressed up in a professional and casual way which represents her character in my film, she is a professional business worker who works for herself. The character on my front cover has a very terrified look , looking at various horror film magazine the main character on the front cover has facial expressions which link back to their personality or identity in the film , the fact that the character here is giving eye contact allows the audience to feel drawn into her feelings ( terrified , scared and vulnerable) and also helps them get and feel involved with the genre of the film it allows them to make assumptions about what may happen in the film for example Who is this character ? Who is she looking terrified for ?. Misenscene I  would say plays a big part in this front cover magazine because one of the locations where I will be filming  my trailer will be in a basement/cellar this is why I have chosen to use a black background to represent that location as dark and scary , the chains around my characters neck connote that she is in trouble and also gives out the genre of the film which is horror and also to bring about a different type of scenery for example the final girl is in a room by her and the chain is her weapon which she will attack the killer with . Creating this magazine was very exciting and considered a lot of thinking and Photoshop skills  I had to make sure that I was subverting and conforming to the conventions of horror film magazines for example my colour scheme black white and red they are colours which represent the horror genre Red connoting danger and blood. I chose these three colours for my magazine because I knew that they would give my image an effect and also be eye catching to my audience, the three colours I  chose are bod and bright they contrast well against each other and against any colour I believe I used my colour scheme very and layout well I had to be careful with the amount of sell lines I  used because it will take away the attention from my main image and also my fonts I had to make them different because if they were all  my magazine would boring and plain. For my masthead "PIXEL" I chose the colour RED because it is a very bright eye-catching colour which contrasts well against any colour and since my magazine is a horror magazine the colour red is a very useful colour to use because it has many meanings to it , red connotes blood danger, authority ,love and explosives.

Draft- Here is my draft product, at first I thought that it would be a good final product but after receiving feedback from my teacher I changed it slightly.For example the brick background didn't make sense because it is a stalker/slasher thriller. I included the brick background because I  thought that it could give the audience the idea of "Trapped victims".


Final Product-Poster

My film poster includes different types of textures it is mercerized and is blended with the colour black which makes the image very dark , I tried to create a chiaroscuro effect to emphasises on the killers character , the blacker he looks on the poster the more scarier and bolder he is portrayed. The character is giving eye contact to the audience which shows to the audience that they are allowed to assume what this characters role is and what his personality maybe. The characters misenescene is merely full of the colours black and grey which connote boldness and dullness this connotes that the character is a dangerous one and that he stands out . The red masthead connotes blood and danger this character may have a relation to blood he may have a weapon that kills people . My colour scheme represents many aspects of my trailer for example personality of the characters and their motifs.


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Poster draft

           POSTER DRAFTS


This is my first poster draft which has been created on PIXRL.COM . what i like best about my poster is my masthead and i think it links back to the character because part of the characters identity   been revealed. For example the dashed lines on the font of my masthead connotes the missing pieces of the characters identity ( The Pitch- his mother has left him and she is the main reason why he has become a a killer ). The colour Red represents danger and this character is dangerous , as an audience you can grasp this idea through the misenescene. The character is wearing a mask which connotes that he does not want to be identified he could be someone the police are searching for.
 The word Enigma has been used as a film name because it revolves around one subject (the character) it portrays and defines his character :' A PERSON OR THING THAT IS MYSTERIOUS AND DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND ' ). From the audience research feedback me and my group received we were told that that the reason the killer kills is not a proper one , this gave us a chance as a group to look for a title name and we came up with the name ENIGMA which links back to the feed back we got ,since people do not understand the killers motif to kill  we should leave him mysterious. 


Here is my second poster, i would say that i have experimented different font styles and tools to make the main image  stand out . I like this draft because it relates to my genre well , i have also used my colour scheme red white and black well. I have put red as my background colour because red connotes blood and danger and also because the colour red will reveal to the audience the personality of my character which is important. the credits have be written in a white font because they need to be noticed by the audience who are reading or looking at my oater. The colour white is neutral and bold so it allows people to me alerted by it ,white is also clear and can compliment any other colour well . My masthead has been experimented a multiple of times to get it darker and sharper then the red background i had to use the adjustment tools and see what kind f colours or shadows effect i could create to match the genre of my film which is horror.