Draft one - This image was influenced by the sketch that i created , it has slightly changed because the image included a prop ( baseball bat ) and the character is not wearing a mask . I have only included one sub image and not a button . i have choosen the colours grey black red and white because they are bold colours which connote power and they catch the attention of the audience. The colours used are very typical in horror /slasher films and magazine posters . For example red connotes blood/danger.
Here is my second film magazine draft I have used an unusual font for my masthead I chose the font because I thought that it went well with the genre of my film which is horror. My masthead font represents the items that the stalker/killer uses to attack his female victims for example the slashes in -between the letters connote slashes. i have chosen the colour red for my masthead because it is a colour that is normally linked with horror , Red connotes blood and danger the colour also attracts and catches the eye of any one reading the film magazine. The colour scheme ( Red black and White ) I would say fits well with my main image, misenscene consists of black and white which is also similar to some of my sell lines . I have included a button on the left bottom side of my page so that it is one of the last information that they will be reading. However i have included a button so that the audience feel more drawed into my magazine because there is something that they can gain for free. I have chosen to subvert from the horror genre film magazines by making the name of the character the headline instead of the film itself. I have done this because i want the audience to have assumptions about what kind of character will be staring in the film , by doing this i believe that some of the charcters personality is revealed for example through misenescene.